Chou Cute Box: July 2007

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OHANA means family ; Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten ----- Drag and play around with the bounceicles~ have fun!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
「 bouncing away 10:29:00 pm 」

A random one...

Venue: Melb Uni Overseas Student Service Lounge

It was during the exhibition meeting. We were making plannings for the event when something disrupted my mind - something that I would call as a ' natural force' that made me turn around, instinctively. What I saw was a girl's back and half the face of a guy. Okay, it was obvious that they're French-kissing on the couch. F-I-N-E. Ignore them. I should focus my mind on the exhibition.

About 15 mins later, I stood up and went away to take sth. I swear I didn't intend to look at the couple, but somehow they just caught my eyes again. This time, the girl was lying on the guy's legs.

Anyway, the meeting continued.

After a while, I don't know why the 'lovey-dovey' couple decided to switch to another couch. Probably the original spot wasn't that comfortable for them...So yah, now they moved to a couch literally just right in front of me. And they started kissing NON-STOP again. WTH! They just never fail to show their love explicitly. Oh well, I am not a fanatic Muslim or what-so-ever. Kissing in public, no matter how 'salivary' it could be, is perfectly alright to me (Anyway, it doesn't really have anything to do with me. In MOST cases I'd just give the couples my blessings in my heart.. yah, just MOST.. haha~). But this time, it happened in a small, defined space where they have ppl having serious meeting beside them. There's no rules or regulations forbidding them to kiss there... but common sense would tell you to 'HOLD ON - HOLD ON - Kiss at other time' right???

I wasn't the only one distracted and pissed-off. All my sub-committee members couldn't resist 'peeping' at them too. And all of a sudden, another girl, supposingly a close friend of the couple, went to them and started yelling "I CAN'T STAND IT! CAN'T BOTH OF YOU CONTROL YOURSELF ARH? YOU TWO ARE EXCHANGING TONNES OF SALIVA EVERYWHERE YOU GO!" And the girl kept going on complaining.... All of us in the meeting group were laughing soooo hard in our heart.

Not long after that, 3 of them decided to leave that lounge. [Boooo~ showtime ended.....] But just when they walked past me,

The guy: I am thirsty.
The girl: I have water. But it's MINE. Not yours. And I don't want to share it with you. Bleirr~

And then the guy 'teh' the girl. I know that's the 情趣. Unashamedly I would say that the words might come out from my mouth too. But at that very moment, I couldn't resist to look up. And I could see their face clearly......

The guy not handsome.

The girl not pretty.




Saturday, July 28, 2007
「 bouncing away 8:02:00 pm 」



My bag was stolen!! what a disaster~ argh!

EESHHH~ BASTARD! the thief was so pro man~ though his action was recorded in CCTV. It happened at Hungry Jack (a.k.a Burger King) yesterday when I was having dinner with LeeTing! so stupid & careless for putting the bag there *swt*

But anyway, I still went to watch Phantom play after the theft, before making police report =P Thank god my ticket wasn't in the stolen bag or I'll really CURSE that idiot my entire life! phew~ Oh ya, the play was awesome! =)

So, how much have I lost? *sniff*

Oh well, after settling down everything, finally got the time to calculate:

Value / Replacement / Fine ($)

  1. Cash 250
  2. Bag 30
  3. Wallet 20
  4. Mobile 300
  5. Proximity card 55
  6. Room key 25
  7. Health Care card Waived
  8. RAIA card Unknown
  9. Student card Waived
  10. Ormond library card Unknown
  11. MyKad Unknown
  12. Driving licence Unknown
  13. Credit card Unknown
  14. EFTPOS keycard Waived
  15. Uni copy card 12
  16. Archi copy card 25
  17. Ormond copy card 6
  18. Tram ticket 1 22
  19. Tram ticket 2 2.50
  20. IDD Calling Card 29
  21. Crown arcade card Unknown
  22. Bottle 8
  23. Choumui's V'day06 message Priceless
  24. Contact list Priceless
  25. MUOSS notebook Priceless
  26. Pen 1
  27. Sweet 1.50
  28. MOMU card 5

Ya ya ya~ at least $792 just *ppuufff* and G-O-N-E. More than RM 2400................................... swt

Man.. the aftermath really gave me headache! Frankly, money is not the major concern. It was all the troubles that annoyed me. First terminate all the bank cards, make police report, suspend mobile acc, bla bla bla~ Then security and safety problems aroused. As the THIEF has my college access card and my room key... it really put the college security at stake. He can simply enter the college and steal whatever he wants as ppl normally don't lock their room. He can even sneak into my room easily when I'm not around or even during midnight *eeeww~ freaky!* Then my m'sia ID, uni student card that allows 24hr access to archi building which has so many unattended archi tools and advanced laptops~ aaarrgh~ he can basically use my identity and perform all the evil deeds!! so yah~ have to call soo many parties to suspend most of my cards. I said MOST, not ALL, coz i haven't suspended my MyKad and driving licence. no idea where to make a report on these two stolen ID actually. stupid government!

argh~ so tired so tired SO TIRED! but at least I can 'proudly' say that I've made a police report at Melbourne and I now own a copy of 'victim report'!! hahah~



Thursday, July 26, 2007
「 bouncing away 10:41:00 pm 」

why men are happier?!

personally, me don't think men are happier... itz just this article me came across some time ago in the newspaper which got me thinking for a while... and it reads...

your last name stays put
the garage is all yours
wedding plans take care of themselves
chocolate is just another snack
you can be president
you can wear a white tshirt to a water park
you can wear no tshirt to a water park
car mechanics tell you the truth
the world if your urinal
you never have to drive to another petrol station toilet bcuz this 1 is too eeky
you dont have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt
same work, more pay
wrinkles add character
people never stare at your chest when you're talking to them
the occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected
new shoes dont cut, blister or mangle your feet
one mood - all the time
phone conversations are over in 30 secs flat
you know stuff about tanks
a five day vacation requires only 1 suitcase
you can open all your jars
you get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness
if someone forgets to invite you, he/she can still be your friend
your underwear is rm15 for 3-pack
3 pairs of shoes are more than enough
you are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes
everything on your face stays its original colour
the same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades
you only have to shave your face and neck
you can play with toys all your life
1 wallet and 1 pair of shoes 1 colour for all seasons
you can wear shorts no matter how your legs look
you can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife
you can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on Dec 24 in 25 minutes

just bit bit bored, want to type smthg :b haha~
-xiang sponge-


Monday, July 23, 2007
「 bouncing away 10:16:00 pm 」




虽然不舍(尤其是我才回来一天她就闷得呱呱叫, 说头顶长了个大蘑菇的二姐),
佣人夹到手,可爱又可怜的‘蔡德礼’右眼盲了且失去了自尊,臭mui memory card 坏了,

*可是肚子好好好饿咧~ 好像吃些清清淡淡妈妈的菜 。。。唉~*






星期六一起床就感到全身无力及发冷。原本要回宿舍收拾东西但看情况是办不成了。只好倒头又睡。希望睡醒情况会有好转。于是迷迷糊糊睡着了。醒来时,原来才睡了个钟头多,情况仍是一样。就这样,连续几次,睡了又醒,醒了又睡,情况仍未有好转。直到三点多,没办法了,我才服发烧药和 nurofen。六点多醒来时,我果然恢复精神了。很高兴,因为病愈啦。洗了澡便吃晚饭去了。然而到了晚上却睡不着觉,因为睡了一整天的觉嘛。所以只好上网找人聊聊。遇到臭sponge和臭ck。[他们就好啦,有得睡不要睡,可怜我要睡没得睡=( ] 当我再次回到床上时,依然入不了眠,这次是因为鼻塞+流鼻涕。唉,不知到何时我才真正的睡着。结果,星期日起床时,还是一样病倒了。真气人。身体乏力,走路走不稳,不能开风扇(冷啊),又是什么东西都不能做的一天,只能躺在床上休息。外婆有叫我去看医生,但我真不想咧。而且爸妈又在做工,暂且在家休息吧。我也总觉得病会自己好起来的。所以我也不服发烧药和nurofen。[一句话=顽固爱逞强!] 只喝了外婆煲的凉水。可怜又可笑的是,上天果然与我对抗,到了傍晚七时还不要给我痊愈。爸回来了,看到我脸青唇白的,立刻带我去看医生。也没其他办法了,只好向医生屈服。而让我觉得可爱的是,爸发现我病倒时脸上所带的一点紧张及关心。因此顿感窝心及少许感动。因为平时都惯了是妈陪伴左右。




Monday, July 02, 2007
「 bouncing away 8:59:00 pm 」


Q.If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have?


A. Very large hands.

haha... so cute horh ^o^
