Chou Cute Box: June 2008

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OHANA means family ; Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten ----- Drag and play around with the bounceicles~ have fun!

Sunday, June 15, 2008
「 bouncing away 1:55:00 pm 」

Study Study Study Study Study

Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress

Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring

Argh Argh Argh Argh Argh



Day 1 :
received a somewhat disappointing email, got a job she didn't request for, it's a compliment cuz so many others are vying fot it, but she rejected the offer... her long holidays are left with nothing productive, dreadful... everything seems so impossible

read another email that spoilt her plan with her friends, the visa cannot be done any sooner than 30th June, wth...

air tickets have to be booked soon!! cuz most of her friends have already settled theirs, she is still uncertain about hers...

everything is hanging, undone... the long holidays ahead is not helping

Day 2 :
she went for a walk-in interview in a nearby pharmacy, and got the job!! things are lightened up for her, minus the super-long-hours-6days-work... at least she found something meaningful to fill her summer

her chou chou aussie friends told her they are coming back for 2-3weeks in July!! she was eCstaTic ^^ she has been deprived of chou chou love all year~ finally, something for her to look forward to... huGs & kiSses~

Day 3 :
she woke up to a colourful day (notice the time of the day is not mentioned here :b heeez~), her mum told her the air tickets have been booked and payment will be done the next day.

her tutor called to confirm he will be free at 2.30pm, her mum drove her to uni... he had a familiar smile on him when she met him, and he opened the sealed envelope written P&C without asking her if she would want to open it herself, he knows best...
'how do you think you did?' "not very good, i think..." >_<
'how much do you expect for your average?' "70, i hope..."
'70 only?!' as he peeked at the results with the warmest smile... she knew everything would be all right... it's not flawless, but she was satisfied ^^
she was smitten by his praises and all the nicest things a tutor can ever say to a tutee...

she was blessed~ truly~
